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A noble coyote wearing a traditional Native American feathered headdress, sitting proudly on a rock. The wind blows through the feathers. Background includes symbolic patterns and ancient petroglyphs. Black and white line art, highly detailed for a coloring book.

A noble coyote wearing a traditional Native American feathered headdress, sitting proudly on a rock. The wind blows through the feathers. Background includes symbolic patterns and ancient petroglyphs. Black and white line art, highly detailed for a coloring book.

Discover our free coloring page 'A noble coyote wearing a traditional Native American feathered headdress, sitting proudly on a rock. The wind blows through the feathers. Background includes symbolic patterns and ancient petroglyphs. Black and white line art, highly detailed for a coloring book.' to print. Created with AI and perfect for creative moments - whether at home, in kindergarten, or at school. Grab your crayons and let's go!

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